Sunday, 28 February 2016

The Ten-Year Network Development Plan

The 3rd EU Energy Package comprises the development of a biannual, non-binding Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). It mandated ENTSO-E to lead the development and publication of the TYNDP. The TYNDP is designed to increase information and transparency regarding investment in electricity transmission systems required on a pan-European basis and to support decision-making processes at regional and European level. The first pilot TYNDP was published in June 2010 and the TYNDP 2012 was published in July 2012. The next one is expected in 2014.

Drawing up the TYNDP requires the analysis of the expansion demands of the electricity networks:
  • The legal requirements for the safe operation of electricity networks
  • Current developments in the structure of the generation system
  • The development of renewable energy
  • Demand
  • Short-term and medium-term energy policy goals and strategies for reorganising the energy system.
The results of the working group on System Adequacy and Market Modelling (SAMM) will also be referred to by ENTSO-E for the development of the structure of the power supply system. The working group publishes the report ‘Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecasts’ and associated scenarios with key data relating to the European power supply system every two years.
In the results, the demand for network development is set against the current and planned expansion projects and indicates potential investment gaps. Based on the analysis, the community-wide network development plan generates proposals for investment in the network infrastructure for the 34 European countries, so-called ‘Projects of overriding European importance’. The TYNDP working group from ENTSO-E coordinates the preparation, coordination and consultation of the TYNDP. Existing national planning for expansion of the transmission network is incorporated into preparation of the TYNDP.
The preparation of the draft TYNDP is accompanied by a continual round of discussions (e.g. on the underlying scenarios) amongst a broad stakeholder group. After completion of the draft, a public consultation takes place to enable all participants to make statements in the development process. The European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the national regulatory authorities examine the draft to ensure coherence with the national network development plans.

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